A Message from the Author

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Too many of us have witnessed, first hand, the devastation associated with watching your child face medical challenges that land them in the hospital. Like my own daughter, Taya—who passed with Sickle Cell Anemia—many of these children unfortunately come to identify hospitals as a second home.  It is with great humility and respect that I petition for your help in Angelic Matters’ mission to give children who have been hospitalized, and are facing great health challenges, the comfort of reading my books while bravely battling their respective health crises.  Each child reading a book donated by you, will learn about survival, empowerment, and perseverance.  Their support systems will be offered a resource to aid in having open and honest dialogue about their respective situations. With your help, our community can join together, stand with, fight for, and enrich the lives of those who need it most.

-Ava Johnson